If many books include the same search word, it is difficult to find which book corresponds otherwise. These subheadings should allow the user to select the corresponding book in the left column. When searching, results use the book title as subheadings. The application frequently requires reauthorization of Amazon account and does not allow option for App to access “Keychain."Ĥ. Improve ease of syncing to Amazon account. Results sort order options would be appreciated as well.ģ. For example, a search for the word "dragon" brings up all occurrences of that word and can't be filtered by Book, Author or Date. This makes it difficult to find books among those listed on the left. Books are listed in one column and sorted by most recently updated Notes or Highlights. Allow Sort Order Options (by Author, Title, Date or number of Results) for Books in left Sidebar: IMPROVEMENTS NEEDED FOR FIVE STAR RATING:ġ. If the next version includes some or all of these features, I’ll happily increase my rating and continue my subscription indefinitely. I believe there are a few features that would dramatically improve ease of use and utility. If this App were $3.99 or less with no subscription fee, I would give it five stars as is. Searching Klib brings results for everything in the database, including Book Title and Author, as well as Content, Kindle Location and Date for any Highlight or Note. After copying notes as "markdown" (formatted text), you can easily share them on your blog or anywhere else. You can keep these notes in the Klib database even after you’ve updated your copy of the book. If a book has been updated by the author, Amazon deletes existing notes and highlights. If you ever deleted any books or notes, and want to restore, just select Import deleted books or notes during import.
Save Notes and Highlights from Deleted or Updated Books:
When reviewing notes, Klib can open Kindle for macOS and jump to the exact location.Ģ.This also allows me to have a database of my highlights and notes on my own computer.
Klib read synchronization pro#
This review is for Klib Pro ($14.99) using features included with Klib Extensions ($19.99/year or $1.99/month.) I own thousands of kindle books on Amazon, so having an App that allows me to manage all of the different highlights and notes I take using my Kindle is extremely useful.